Retreat 2024 OpporTUNITY Baskets
Tickets for this year's Retreat Opportunity quilt will go on sale April 18th! You can pay with a Credit Card online (min purchase 12 tickets for $10) or pay with cash at the Quarterly Meeting - 04/18, Swap Meet - 07/20 and the Retreat - 08/14 -08/17. Good Luck!!!
You must be present to win! If you have not registered for the retreat, you are not eligible to win! The tickets will be available at Retreat table see the Quarterly meeting 04/18/2024, Swap Meet 07/20/2024 and the Retreat 08/14-17,2024!
Tickets for baskets below are priced as follows:
$20 for 25 tickets or $10 for 12 tickets.
$20 for 25 tickets or $10 for 12 tickets.
You must be present to win! If you have not registered for the retreat, you are not eligible to win! This are non-refundable tickets. If you would like to pay cash, the tickets will be available at Retreat table see the Quarterly meeting 04/18/2024, Swap Meet 07/20/2024 and the Retreat 08/14-17,2024!
You must be present to win! If you have not registered for the retreat, you are not eligible to win! This are non-refundable tickets. If you would like to pay cash, the tickets will be available at Retreat table see the Quarterly meeting 04/18/2024, Swap Meet 07/20/2024 and the Retreat 08/14-17,2024!
rev 04/15/2024 mm